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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Turkey Day 5K + Announcement #1

As many of you are aware, Thanksgiving was a few days ago (ok, like a week and a half ago, but who's counting????). Mr. Marathon and I participated in our hometown Turkey Day 5K again this year. We ran it last year (and didn't blog about it- gasp!) and we had such a great time that we ran it again this year! This race was merely a shake out recovery run for Mr. Marathon as he had just completed the 24 Hour Ultra (but he still placed 2nd in his age group). And I... finished... so there's that.

One of our nieces running! (she's bib 1276)
Coming in to the finish

Alfredo Garcia's results: 2nd place in age group
Elizabeth Garcia's results: 7th place in age group

Showing off his award

Another niece ran as well! 3rd place in her age group!

Ahem, anyway, obviously the holidays are a busy time, and busy time leads to some people having less time to blog (cough cough ME). And this year is no exception. I mean, come on, it has taken me a week and a half to blog about the Turkey Day 5K! But this time this year, some of you may have figured out what's been taking up most of our time here lately. Both my mister and I have started talking a little bit about our next big race. If you have talked to us in person lately, or if you follow either of us on any social media platform, you may have heard us talking about Charleston, or seen us use the hashtag #trainingforcharleston. And that's because we are indeed training for something in Charleston-- we are going to run the 2016 Charleston Marathon in January! We are super excited and we are now 6 weeks out from race day. I have been on a training plan since October after rebuilding my mileage all summer (recovering from Ft. Lauderdale and running burnout), and of course hubbs has just been running nonstop anyway. Regardless, we are looking forward to our upcoming marathon, and in case you didn't figure it out, this was one of our big announcements that we have been alluding to at the end of our posts. But stay tuned, because there is another one... coming soon.... ok soon-ish... I promise!

And now, to end on a thankful note since it is (ok, was) Thanksgiving. Here are a few pictures of things/people we are especially thankful for here lately.

Our parents
Being able to enjoy the beauty of nature
and all that cheesy stuff while we are out running
Having healthy bodies that we can push to reach our goals
I'm thankful for how photogenic I am...
but seriously all my race photos look like this.

And of course, we are thankful for each other--
we are built in buddies so we never have to go it alone,
motivational coaches,
and support staff for each other
in running and in everything else.

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